Video MOU

Homji Homji
1 min readMar 20, 2021


- Stream the video to end-users;
- Embed the video on third-party websites;
- Distribute the video via our APIs;
- Transcode the video (create compressed versions of your video file that are optimized for streaming); and
- Generate stills (i.e., “thumbnails”) from your video to represent it (if you have not selected one).
- It has the right to submit the content to First Party(HOMJI) and grant the licenses herein;
- First Party(HOMJI) will not need to obtain licenses from any third party or pay royalties to any third party with respect to the streaming or other permitted distribution of the content;
- You have obtained appropriate releases (if necessary) from all persons who appear in the content;
- The content does not, and will not, infringe any third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, rights of publicity, moral rights, and privacy rights; and
- The content complies with this Agreement and all applicable laws.
- The responsibilities of the First Party(HOMJI) is to ensure good quality platform to broadcast the video
- The First Party(HOMJI) shall be responsible for providing adequate services in relation to providing a reliable OTT platform thereby broadcasting the video of the second party.

